Session: Organic electronics, photovoltaics (Click for details or select 'Detailed view')
- David Beljonne
Denis Andrienko
(Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research)
11/8/12, 3:40 PM
Organic electronics, photovoltaics
Interest in the field of organic electronics is largely provoked by the possibility to fine-tune properties of organic semiconductors by varying their chemical structure. Often, compound design is solely guided by chemical intuition, even though material development would benefit from more rigorous structure-property relationships, which link the chemical structure, material morphology and...
Sheridan Few
11/8/12, 4:25 PM
Organic electronics, photovoltaics
Recently, much attention has been paid to the formation of charge transfer (CT) states at the donor : acceptor interface in organic photovoltaic materials, and to their role in charge pair generation.1 However, until now few theoretical studies have addressed the electronic properties of CT states in detail. In this work, we use density functional theory (DFT) methods to study the energies and...
Velimir Meded
11/8/12, 4:50 PM
Organic electronics, photovoltaics
To support accelerating materials development cycles we have developed simulation approaches for de-novo characterisation and optimisation of materials and device properties with nanoscale constituents. In recent years we have developed simulation methods that describe the conformation and electronic properties of materials built on the basis of well-defined nanoscale constituents. We have...