KIT-Fayoum meeting

    • 2:00 PM 2:20 PM
      Status 20m
      Speaker: Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
    • 2:20 PM 2:40 PM
    • 2:40 PM 3:00 PM
      Report Hadeel 20m

      real-time fix of a few remaining errors in the code. The analysis was running well when we finished. Next steps:

      - produce dN/dE spectra in all eta bins for DATA and MC models on top of each other.

      - produce dN/dE spectra for EMPTY DATA, too. Try both: data_EmptyBX, and also data_L1TechBPTXQuiet_Feb2016_dNdeta

      - plot all dN/dE spectra, in each eta bin, on top of each other. Chose a style according to Figure 1: empty data: shaded, data: black markers, MC: colored lines. 

      In a next step, we should make sure that for each event, both in MC and also in data, we always have at least one HF tower on both sides (plus and minus) with at least 5GeV of energy. This is our NSD event selection. All other events we just ignore.