Registration deadline now October 27th (due to technical problems on the 25th).
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum 7. bwHPC-Symposium am 8. November 2021 ein. Die Veranstaltung findet als Online-Event statt. Der Schwerpunkt der Konferenz liegt auf der Präsentation wissenschaftlicher Fortschritte und Erfolge, die mit Unterstützung der landesweiten bwHPC Hochleistungsrechner sowie der BaWü-Datenföderation erzielt werden konnten. Die Veranstaltung bietet eine hervorragende Gelegenheit zum aktiven Dialog zwischen den Forschenden, den Betriebsteams der bwHPC-Dienste sowie den Mitarbeitern und Mitarbeiterinnen der bwHPC-S5-Support-Zentren.
We invite you to participate in the upcoming 7th bwHPC Symposium on November 8th, 2021. The conference will take place online and focuses on the presentation of scientific projects and success stories carried out with the help of bwHPC high performance computing as well as the BaWü data federation. The event offers a unique opportunity to engage in an active dialog between the scientists, operators of the bwHPC services, and members of the bwHPC-S5 support centers.
bw2FDM: The information platform
A. Axtmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
BioDATEN: Metadata generation and handling using bwHPC infrastructure
H. Gauza (Tübingen University)
BERD@BW: BERD Desktop - a secure environment for accessing and analyzing confidential data
I. Schumm (Mannheim University)
SDC4Lit: Science Data Center for Literature
V. Kushnarenko (HLRS)
MoMaF: Science Data Center for Molecular Material Research
M. Selzer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Since the summer of 2019, the Ministry of Science, Research and Art of Baden Württemberg has been funding the research data management (RDM) project bw2FDM and the establishment of four science data centers (SDC). bw2FDM is dedicated to four task areas: 1. Coordinating the knowledge exchange between the SDCs and within the federal state. For that purpose working groups dedicated to cross-cutting topics like metadata or the legal aspects of RDM have been established. 2. Organization of the RDM-conference E-Science Days in Heidelberg. 3. Providing training and webinars as well as consultations with regard to RDM issues. 4. Management and development of - the leading German-speaking RDM information platform.
The short talk and poster highlight the content offers regarding the topics "storage and computing" as well as "technical infastructures".
The Science Data Center BioDATEN aims at providing different services for the bioinformatic community in Baden-Württemberg. One aspect of this services is automated metadata generation using bwHPC / BinAC infrastructure and metadata handling. In this short talk, we present the current state and the connection to bwHPC.77
BERD@BW is a Science Data Center for Business, Economic and related data with the aim to support its community in various aspects of research data management. The services built range from knowledge graphs and reconciliation tools, a repository for subject-specific algorithms, training and consulting on legal and IT issues to further development of the IT infrastructure according to the community's needs. A common use case of these subject areas is to work with sensitive or confidential data that cannot be shared openly. In this session, we will present our solution, a secure virtual desktop running on the bwCloud through which the data can be made available to researchers and be analyzed in a secure data analytics environment.
Has it ever happened to you - you try to access some web page that you visited one year ago, but it is not available any more? Or you want to investigate digital manuscripts created by your favourite writer, but visiting the archive is currently not possible? The Science Data Center for Literature (SDC4Lit) aims to establish a virtual data center for collection, preservation, cataloging, research and sharing of digital literary sources using computational methods to allow simple and even remote work with original materials. The main goals and challenges of the project will be covered in this presentation and in the following poster.
The long-term preservation and reuse of research data are not systematically organized in scientific disciplines ranging from molecular chemistry to materials science, and solutions of the individual research groups lead to a low availability and visibility of research results.
So far, there is a lack of an urgently needed national and international institution to play the leading role by bundling competencies in research data storage, processing, curation, AI-supported analysis, and interdisciplinary reuse for the research fields between molecular chemistry and materials.