We review some history and give a theoretical basis for the 3D low frequency ultrasound tomography (LFUT) algorithm, i.e. volography, including the evolution from CT based algorithms to nonlinear large scale minimization and performance optimization. We explain why 2D algorithms are insufficient for clinical applications, indicate relevant timing results and discuss the congruence to training a convolutional neural network (CNN) with Lie symmetries and the resulting efficiency that leads to reconstructions in clinically relevant times, making this method ideal as a high resolution imaging technology for low resource environments and underserved populations.
We summarize clinical applications including breast imaging, early detection and monitoring of breast cancer, breast density measurements, functional ultrasound tomography (FUT), knee and orthopedic imaging, pediatric and whole body imaging. We give examples and review the concomitant refraction corrected reflection algorithm, critical to obtaining sub-mm resolution. We show FUT enables doubling time estimation, calcium location in ducts or masses and introduce sequential calcium scoring and its clinical implications for monitoring cancer and disease.
We show the quantitative accuracy of speed of sound estimation for various tissues using literature values for ligaments, cartilage, tendons, muscle, skin and fat, in the presence of bone and verify its ability to monitor Duchenne MD, or sports injuries in humans or animals.
The consistent high resolution and quantitative accuracy is shown and specific breast cancer cases are reviewed. Detailed comparison of knee images with MRI indicate the improved contrast and spatial resolution. Fusion of speed of sound and reflection yield sub-mm resolution quantitative orthopedic images.
The low cost, simple training, lack of ionizing radiation or contrast agents in LFUT volography are discussed. The system is easily converted to a portable platform to serve Low Resource Environments. Over 13000 breast and related scans have been performed and extensive training sets have been culled from these. Clinical trials are reviewed showing improved area under the ROC curve when compared to X-ray mammography breast cancer screening.
Doubling time estimation, calcification and tumor functional imaging are shown and discussed. Ductal and Glandular individual segmentation is shown over time and correlated with hormone levels in volunteers, indicating high spatial and contrast resolution. Quantitative estimates of spatial/contrast resolution are reviewed.
The clinical advantages of 3D LFUT volography as a tested technology is summarized. We conclude this technology is safe and ideally suited for clinical deployment in diverse situations.
We summarize clinical applications including breast imaging, early detection and monitoring of breast cancer, breast density measurements, functional ultrasound tomography (FUT), knee and orthopedic imaging, pediatric and whole body imaging. We give examples and review the concomitant refraction corrected reflection algorithm, critical to obtaining sub-mm resolution. We show FUT enables doubling time estimation, calcium location in ducts or masses and introduce sequential calcium scoring and its clinical implications for monitoring cancer and disease.
We show the quantitative accuracy of speed of sound estimation for various tissues using literature values for ligaments, cartilage, tendons, muscle, skin and fat, in the presence of bone and verify its ability to monitor Duchenne MD, or sports injuries in humans or animals.
The consistent high resolution and quantitative accuracy is shown and specific breast cancer cases are reviewed. Detailed comparison of knee images with MRI indicate the improved contrast and spatial resolution. Fusion of speed of sound and reflection yield sub-mm resolution quantitative orthopedic images.
The low cost, simple training, lack of ionizing radiation or contrast agents in volography are discussed. The system is easily converted to a portable platform to serve Low Resource Environments. Over 13000 breast and related scans have been performed and extensive training sets have been culled from these. Clinical trials are reviewed showing improved area under the ROC curve.
Doubling time estimation, calcification and tumor functional imaging are shown and discussed. Ductal and Glandular individual segmentation is shown over time and correlated with hormone levels in volunteers, indicating high spatial and contrast resolution. Quantitative estimates of spatial/contrast resolution are reviewed.
The clinical advantages of 3D UT/volography as a tested technology is summarized. We conclude this technology is safe and ideally suited for clinical deployment in diverse situations.