Dec 7 – 9, 2016
Cochem (Mosel), Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone
Registration Nov 14th | Early bird payment Nov 30th

Multimessenger Transients and the Liverpool Telescope

Dec 10, 2016, 2:00 PM
Refektorium (Kapuzinerkloster)



Oral AMON Workshop AMON Workshop


Dr Chris Copperwheat (Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University)


The Liverpool Telescope is a 2-metre clear aperture, fully robotic telescope based at the Observatorio Del Roque De Los Muchachos on the Canary island of La Palma. Robotic telescopes are powerful tools for the exploration of the time variable sky, and their rapid reaction and flexible scheduling capabilities provide them with an important role in the multimessenger era. In this talk I will provide an overview of the telescope and its contribution to programmes of transient follow-up, focusing in particular on our participation in the first Advanced LIGO science run. I will also give a brief introduction to our proposed new facility, the 4-metre Large Robotic Telescope, which we intend to be one of the world's leading time domain facilities in the coming decade.

Primary author

Dr Chris Copperwheat (Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University)


Mr Andrzej Piascik (Liverpool John Moores University) Prof. Iain Steele (Liverpool John Moores University)

Presentation materials