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Welcome to the AgRAIN Python and CML processing workshop, to be held at the WASCAL Competence Center in Ouagadougou and online via Zoom on 12th and 13th of January 2022.
Registration is now closed.
Attenuation data from commercial microwave links (CMLs), which provide the interconnections of most cellular towers, can be used to derive rainfall information. This technique can be applied to produce country-wide rainfall maps which compare well to the maps from gauge-adjusted radar, as can be seen in the following plot:
Accumulated rainfall for a 48 h showcase from 12 to 14 May 2018 for (a) RADOLAN-RW the German Met Service's (DWD) gauge-adjusted radar product and (b) CML-derived rainfall. CML-derived rainfall is interpolated using a simple inverse distance weighting interpolation. A coverage mask of 30 km around CMLs is used. Source: Graf et al., 2020, HESS
Within the project AgRAIN, researchers from the University of Augsburg and the Laboratoire de Matériaux et Environnement LA.M.E. of the University of Ouagadougou, with support from Telecel Faso and WASCAL, work towards country-wide CML rainfall estimation in Burkina Faso. This research is carried out in synergy with the project TOP-RainCell, led by Laboratoire de Matériaux et Environnement LA.M.E.
Things you will learn during the workshop:
This is our general schedule (details will be communicated in mid-December)
The workshop is intended for all interested PhD students, Postdocs and other researchers, as well as engineers from cellular companies.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will do a hybrid workshop. The WASCAL competence center will host 25 participants on-site in Ouagadougou. In parallel 25 participants can join via Zoom. The German lecturers and tutors will also join via Zoom. There will be support on-site provided by WASCAL, the University of Ouagadougou and a professional translator.
Dr. Christian Chwala (University of Augsburg and KIT)
Dr. Seyni Salack (WASCAL Competence Centre)
Prof. Dr. Zougmoré (Laboratoire de Matériaux et Environnement LA.M.E)
Dr. Christian Chwala (University of Augsburg and KIT)
Moumouni Djibo (University of Ouagadougou and University of Augsburg)
Maximilian Graf (KIT)
Julius Polz (KIT)
Nico Blettner (University of Augsburg and KIT)