Aug 26 – 30, 2013
KIT Campus North, FTU
Europe/Berlin timezone

Training Session on Openstack

Not scheduled
KIT Campus North, FTU

KIT Campus North, FTU

Cloud&Grid Technologies


OpenStack is currently one of the most evolving open IaaS solutions available. Every new release comes with a huge set of new features. It can be hard to hold pace with such changes. Starting from scratch also proves difficult due to the complexity of the several components interacting with each other. The proposed training targets system administrators with little or no knowledge on cloud infrastructure, interested in learning how deploy and operate Openstack. The training is organised in two full days. Main topics of the training will be: - a general introduction into OpenStack (Folsom/Grizzly) and its core components - an overview of the supporting software and choices (e.g. database, messaging queue and so on) - a hands-on install guide on Keystone (OpenStack identity management) - a hand-on install guide on Glance (OpenStack image-store) - a hands-on install guide on Nova (OpenStack compute) - a hands-on install guide on Quantum (OpenStack Networking) If time is left, a short introduction on OpenStack compatible storage systems may be added (Swift/Ceph)

Primary authors

Antonio Messina (University of Zurich / GC3) Joël Casutt (SWITCH)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.