In this talk I would like to give you insights into my job at the German climate NGO atmosfair and my career at the cross-section of energy, development and climate action. I hold a BSc in Physics from the University of Konstanz and an MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering from NTNU in Trondheim and DTU in Copenhagen. After finishing my degree, I worked as a Trainee at the European Commission...
„Was willst Du später mal werden, wenn Du groß bist?“ „Lehrerin!“ „Schriftstellerin!“ „Astronautin!“ Manche Berufswünsche hört man hingegen von Kindern selten. Besonders, wenn sie im Umfeld ziemlich unbekannt sind: Wissenschaftsmanagerin. Referentin. Physikerin.
1986 geboren, gehört Dominique Sauer zu den „Millenials“. Diese krisengeschüttelte Generation zeichnet sich unter anderem dadurch...
I will give a glimpse into the training and work life as a German and European patent attorney. After spending nearly 20 years training and working on temporary jobs in academia as a string theorist, in 2018 I decided to change my career path and started my by now completed training as both German and European patent attorney in a small patent law firm. To become a patent attorney, you need a...