A workshop to discuss the technology and science of air-shower simulations with CORSIKA 8, and meeting of CORSIKA 8 developers and developers-to-be.
A short welcome from the board of directors of MPIK
This contribution touches on
- why was the C8 project founded
- how we are organized
- the structure of the workshop
- some practical aspects
Electromagnetic interactions are a key component in air shower simulations. In CORSIKA 8, the calculation of electromagnetic interactions is carried out by the propagation library PROPOSAL (PRopagator with Optimal Precision and Optimized Speed for All Leptons), which was originally designed for the propagation of high-energy muons and has been considerably expanded to take over the calculation of the electromagnetic shower component from the EGS4 code used in earlier Fortran-based versions of CORSIKA. This presentation discusses these changes and updates to PROPOSAL, its interface to CORSIKA 8, and its use in air shower simulations.
To simulate electromagnetic showers in CORSIKA 8, an interface to the lepton and photon propagator PROPOSAL has been written.
Thereby, PROPOSAL provides interaction cross sections, continuous energy losses, a description of multiple scattering, and the production of secondary particles in stochastic interactions for both the electromagnetic and the muonic shower component.
This contribution presents a validation of electromagnetic showers simulated with CORSIKA 8, looking at both the electromagnetic and the associated muonic component.
For this, shower parameters such as longitudinal and lateral profiles are presented and compared to showers simulated with CORSIKA 7.
Hereby, it will be highlighted which simulation results already show a good agreement, but also discussed in which areas further investigations of the results are going to be necessary.
The hadronic interaction models of FLUKA are interfaced with Corsika(7)
since many years (a presentation on this subject will take place on Thursday)
However FLUKA does much more than hadronic interactions, including particle
tranposrt and atomic interactions as well.
A summary of the features implemented in the ElectroMagnetic package of
FLUKA (EMF) will be briefly presented. EMF had been developed mostly in the
'90's in order to substitute and possibly improve both from the physics and
computer speed point of view the interface with EGS4 which was used in
ancient versions of FLUKA. EMF is very stable and thouroughly benchmarked
since many years. Part of the EMF atomic physics is common to other charged
particle transported by FLUKA (eg dE/dx, mucltiple Coulomb scattering etc).
In recente years most of the developments had been aimed at low energies,
by introducing explicit orbital motion for each level for Z=1-100 in
Compton and annihilation interactions, and for (virtual)photon/electron
nuclear interactions. Some hints about FLUKA photo and leptonuclear
interactions will also be presented, together with a few slides about the
FLUKA (anti)neutrino-nucleus intercation model.
CORSIKA 8 (C8) is a project structured in a modular and flexible way that allows the inclusion and development of independent modules that can produce a fully customizable air shower simulation. The calculation of radio emission from the simulated particle showers is incorporated as an integral module of C8, including signal propagation and electric field calculation at each antenna location using the “Endpoint” and ZHS formalisms simultaneously. Due to C8’s flexibility, the radio functionality can be used both to validate other physics modules and to investigate specific physical scenarios. In this talk, we are going to focus on two aspects of the radio module. First, we are going to present air shower simulations generated with C8 and compare their predicted radio emission with corresponding air showers simulated with CORSIKA 7 and ZHAireS. The incorporation of both calculation formalisms in the same code also allows detailed comparisons for the same underlying shower, which we will discuss as well. And second, the structure and design of the module is going to be displayed along with potential updates to it in order to be able to simulate more sophisticated use cases.
I will give a brief overview of the status quo of the simulation of in-ice radio detectors (such as ARIANNA/ARA/RNO-G/IceCube-Gen2). I will focus on the current limitations and how Corsika 8 can be used to solve them. I will discuss the event geometries that are relevant for us: 1) in-ice showers that develop in a homogeneous medium with radio signals propagating through inhomogeneous media 2) in-ice showers developing in an inhomogeneous medium (with a density gradient), 3) air showers transitioning from air into ice.
I will discuss additional propagation effects (e.g. birefringence, internal reflection layers, second-order effects predicted by FDTD simulations, ...) and a possible way to include them in C8 through reciprocity relations.
We summarize the results of simulation studies of the propagation of cosmic ray air shower cores through high-altitude polar ice sheets, using the COSIKA 7.7100 Monte Carlo code and the Geant4 10.5 simulation toolkit. We discuss the general characteristics of the in-ice particle cascade, including the energy density deposted in the ice, the longitudinal development of the shower, and the radial distribution of the charged particles in the ice as a function of Xmax of the shower. We present preliminary calculations of the Askaryan radio emission of the in-ice particle cascade using the end-point formalism, showing that they may resemble the Askaryan radiation of in-ice neutrino-induced particle cascade. Finally, we discuss the possibilty of detecting the plasma created in the ice by comsic ray air shower cores using RADAR echo techniques.
Cosmic ray showers provide essential background signals for in-ice Askaryan neutrino radio detectors in the polar regions as they emit neutrino-like radio signals. They can also serve as calibration sources for in-ice radio detectors due to their relatively large flux. Thus in this work, we present a novel way to upgrade CoREAS such that it takes into account curved ray paths caused by the exponential refractive index profiles of air and ice, which enables propagating signals from air to antennas located inside the polar ice sheets. Analytic raytracing expressions are used to calculate the relevant parameters for the curved ray paths between the air shower particles and the in-ice antennas. However, analytic raytracing takes around 0.05 to 0.1 ms per call and is too slow for all the particles in the air shower. Therefore we have developed an interpolation scheme that calculates ray parameters using pre-tabulated raytraced values and takes around 200 ns per parameter per call. In this work, we will show some simulations of air-shower signals as observed by in-ice antennas and discuss the implementation of analytic raytracing and interpolation schemes in the current and the future CORSIKA versions.
When a particle shower crosses the boundary between two dielectric media, transition radiation is produced. This effect can produce a sizable signal over a wide solid angle, but still remains hard to take into account in current Monte Carlos. The new geometry structure and process sequence in Corsika 8 will allow a natural implementation of transition radiation.
In this talk I will give an introduction on transition radiation and its implementation in Corsika 8.
A mini array called DEASA (Dayalbagh Educational Air Shower Array) has been set up in Nuclear Electronics Laboratory, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra. This is the first detector array in Northern India (Uttar Pradesh) to study the cosmic rays. This array is 168 m above sea level with a latitude of 27.22° N and a longitude of 78° E.DEASA has been set up and started working at the Dayalbagh educational institute, Agra in 2021 to study the showers. This array is consisting of 8 plastic scintillation detectors each of area 1 m2 and 2 cm thick. These detectors are kept at a distance of 8 m from each other and this array covers an area of 260 m2. In this work, air showers have been simulated by CORSIKA code at Agra specifications with iron, proton, and alpha as the primary particles. The longitudinal profile of the showers at different atmospheric depths is studied. The main study of CORSIKA is the high energy electromagnetic and hadronic interactions which are still untouched by our accelerators. Thus the Monte Carlo simulation code provides hadronic interaction models at higher energies. EPOS model along with QGSJET and later DPMJET models have been selected for the studies. The lateral profile of the showers are also plotted.
Short description of the model interface in C8, a listing of the already included models and an outlook for future developments will be given.
Will touch on the use of containers for C8
- User distribution
- CI
- Development environment
Will talk about docker, podman/buildah, apptainer (singularity).
The simulation of Cherenkov light in CORSIKA, in particular in view for high-angular-resolution imaging telescopes, results in some specific needs and constraints. I will also show a couple of features in the current CORSIKA 7 implementation - which we would want to continue to have - before continuing with improvements we aim to get with CORSIKA 8.
How to implement automated physics validation
My proposal/ideas/thoughts about numerical particle propagation in CORSIKA 8
This contribution summarizes the relevant aspects, tasks and procedures concerning the organization and management of the development of CORSIKA 8. The focus is placed on the current workflow for developers in CORSIKA 8 git repository, its advantages and pitfalls. Finally, some ideas for restructuring the repository in order to facilitate the development and mitigate code bloating are presented.
This is an overview talk about the method of GPU Accelerate Cherenkov and fluorescence handling in the context of CORSIKA 8.
technical stuff; could be a short contribution of O(15)min
How to get started as power user / new developer. Topics include:
A brief description of the hadronic interaction model SIBYLL
Future short term and long term development of EPOS
New PYTHIA 8 features useful for C8
The hadronic interaction models of FLUKA are briefly presented for both hN
and hA interactions.
Examples for their (in)ability in reproducing particle single and double
differential spectra from sub-GeV to TeV energies are presented. Some
comments on coherent and incoherent hA elastic interactions will also put forward.
Some hints about FLUKA photo and ElectroMagneticDissociation interactions
will also be presented, together with a few slides about the FLUKA
(anti)neutrino-nucleus interaction model.
All previous topics will then discussed in the framework of possible
extensions of the existing Corsika7-Fluka interface (which deals only with
non-elastic hA interactions in Air).
Last but not least, some slides will de dedicated to treatment and
interaction of low energy neutrons which is a completely different world in
Fluka (and in all neutronics codes), again in view of possible interest for
A few slides showing past and present applications of FLUKA in
astroparticle physics will also available.
New development in COSMOS for air shower simulations
Dark Matte Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-borne experiment for direct comsic ray and gamma ray detection. Its scientific goals include measurement of cosmic ray electron, proton and nuclei spectra, and gamma ray physics . An outstanding feature of the detector is the biggest calorimeter ever launched into space which allows performing measurements of cosmic ray spectra in the TeV-PeV energy range. In this talk, we give a brief overview of the experiment and its scientific results. A particular focus is done on the Monte-Carlo simulations.
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