Oct 5 – 6, 2017
Würzburg, Festung Marienberg
Europe/Berlin timezone
GLOW Annual Assembly and GLOW-SKA Meeting

Enabling S-Band Capability for MeerKAT

Oct 5, 2017, 2:45 PM
Room Egloffstein (Würzburg, Festung Marienberg)

Room Egloffstein

Würzburg, Festung Marienberg

The meeting takes place in the historic building of Fortress Marienberg. You can easily get their by bus (#9), car (chargeable parking lot), or by foot from "Alte Mainbrücke" (via "Tellsteige").


Dr Ramesh Karuppusamy (MPIfR)


This talk will be on the MPIfR's efforts to equip the MeerKAT array with receivers and signal processing infrastructure that allows access to the skies in the 1750-3500 MHz range. We are building a 400-beam GPU-based beam-former and a processing cluster to serve as the pulsar and transient hunting machine. The plans on this machine and results from the initial tests with two telescopes will be discussed.

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