Engineering AI Workshop: Research and Practice of AI Systems Engineering

TRIANGLE Open Space, Kaiserstraße 93, Karlsruhe (KIT)

TRIANGLE Open Space, Kaiserstraße 93, Karlsruhe


TRIANGEL Open Space Kaiserstraße 93 76133 Karlsruhe
Michael Beigl (KIT)

AI approaches are integral parts of many software driven systems today. The engineering of both the AI-part (data, model, AI code) itself and its integration into the overall AI-driven system is critical - and now approached from different research groups and research fields.


This workshop tries to bring together researchers from academia and industry to discuss the topic of Engineering AI and Engineering AI systems from many viewpoints and perspectives. The overall outcome of the workshop will be a short position paper summarizing different aspects and viewpoints of Engineering AI.

(supported by Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg as part of CC-KIng)

Registration for AI Workshop 2022 (Sept 23, KIT, Triangel Open Space)
Michael Beigl