October 31, 2017 to November 3, 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone

Fast reflectivity imaging in 3D using SAFT

Nov 2, 2017, 3:00 PM
Poster boards

Poster boards

Poster Main Track Poster session


The computational burden for 3D Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) is large as for each voxel the delay for each acquired A-scan has to be calculated, e.g. O(N$^5$) for N$^3$ voxels and N$^2$ A-scans. If the 3D distribution of speed of sound is applied to correct the delays for objects with varying speed of sound the computation time increases further. This overview paper presents the implementations for 3D SAFT developed by the KIT group and discusses their performance.

(3) Results

TOFI-SAFT achieves a maximum performance of 104 GVA/s on a GPU server with eight GTX 590, which is a speed up of factor 3 compared to the corrected SAFT and approaches the maximum performance of 106 GVA/s of the uncorrected SAFT reconstruction. Tested on one new generation GPU, GTX Titan, TOFI-SAFT can be even faster than uncorrected SAFT: a GPU server of eight GTX Titans would result in a maximum performance of 210 GVA/s for uncorrected SAFT, 62 GVA/s for corrected SAFT and 442 GVA/s for TOFI-SAFT which is a speed up of more than factor 7. Comparing speed of sound corrected SAFT and TOFI-SAFT for clinical data resulted in only small degradation of the image quality, see figure.

(4) Discussion and Conclusion

The GPU based 3D SAFT implementations show, especially with TOFI-SAFT on high performance GPUs, that high resolution 3D reflection tomography can be done in a clinically relevant reconstruction time in the order of minutes, even including speed of sound and attenuation correction.

(2) Material and Methods

A fast 3D SAFT implementation using multiple GPUs is presented. It is shown that for volumes of high resolution a speed of sound correction is necessary to overcome the defocusing by assuming constant speed of sound. Speed of sound and attenuation correction was incorporated in the GPU-based SAFT reconstruction, but leads also to a significant reduction of computational performance. An approximation to SAFT, i.e. a time of flight interpolation based GPU implementation (TOFI-SAFT), accelerates our previous GPU implementation of speed of sound corrected SAFT to allow reconstruction of speed of sound and attenuation corrected SAFT images as fast as non-corrected SAFT.

Primary author

Dr Nicole Ruiter (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


Prof. Hartmut Gemmeke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Mr Michael Zapf (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Dr Torsten Hopp (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

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