The KATRIN experiment aims at the direct measurement of the neutrino mass scale via precision endpoint spectroscopy of β-electrons produced in the decay of molecular tritium with a target sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c² (90% C.L.).
An important systematic effect entering the analysis are energy-losses of β-electrons due to scattering off tritium molecules inside the source. The energy-loss function can be determined by measuring integral (standard spectrometer mode) or differential (time-of-flight mode) transmission spectra using a pulsed mono-energetic and mono-angular electron beam which is guided through the whole tritium source. The electron beam is produced by a recently upgraded photo-electron source providing energies up to 27 keV, with an energy resolution of <0.1 eV. The poster presents measurements for the determination of the energy-dependent energy-loss function in molecular tritium gas with high purity which were recently taken with the new photo-electron source at KATRIN.
This work is supported by BMBF under contract number 05A20PMA and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (Research Training Group GRK 2149) in Germany.