In recent years, there has been a growing interest in conducting in-situ Raman measurements on tritium-loaded graphene or graphene-like samples due to proposals in neutrino physics programs like KATRIN and PTOLEMY. A confocal Raman microscope (CRM), which can used for spatio-chemical analysis of these samples, could become radioactive contaminated due to post-loading desorption of tritiated species. Therefore, a suitable CRM has to (i) comply with tritium-safety regulations, (ii) should have a minimal number of parts exposed to contamination, and (iii) can allow for future integration into a tritium glovebox system.
In this work, the setup and the design of a self-built CRM are presented, as well as selected characterization and Raman imaging measurements. Additionally, the status of a graphene-loading chamber with in-situ resistivity and temperature measurements is shown.