May 23 – 25, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Tritium Research in the Fusion Materials Laboratory

May 24, 2023, 5:35 PM
R410 (B401)




Christoph Kirchlechner


The Fusion Materials Laboratory (FML) is a unique facility providing experimental techniques for the investigation of radioactive and toxic materials. Its main purpose is the development and qualification of functional and structural materials for fusion power plants. Consequently, the interaction of tritium with these material classes is one of the core research topics at the FML.
The talk will start with a short introduction to the instrumentation at the FML. Subsequently, examples for the global measurement of the tritium release of lithium orthosilicate-based breeder pebbles and the local measurement of tritium adsorption and segregation with near-atomic resolution will be presented. Finally, in an outlook we will shine light on the future of tritium research in the ERC funded Consolidator Grant “TRITIME” as well as currently envisaged future characterization techniques for tritium research.

Primary authors

Julia Leys Regina Knitter Pavel Vladimirov Vladimir Chakin Xufei Fang Rolf Rolli Hans-Christian Schneider Christoph Kirchlechner

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