May 11 – 12, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

As a joint effort of bwHPC-S5 and NHR@KIT, the Steinbuch Centre for Computing is hosting an intermediate level course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (current and future) users of the bwUniCluster (bwForCluster) or HoreKa supercomputers. The course will be held online in two days:  May 11, 2023 and May 12, 2023 from 9:00 to 12:30 (in English, online only).

This intermediate course is for users which need to do real parallel HPC simulations. It is also helpful for beginners which already attended the course “Introduction to OpenFOAM”. The course will focus on some important steps of the modelling and simulation processes – choice of linear algebra solver(s) and setting up optimum parameters for those solvers, creating a new Lagrangian library and solver, adding to them new user models for wall erosion, setting boundary conditions for turbulent inflow in LES and additional useful functionality for the postprocessing stage. The course is organized by the Competence Center for Engineering and SimDataLab Engineering in Energy and Mobility together with the Research Group Fixed-Point Methods for Numerics at Exascale at SCC.

Although not mandatory, but participants are expected to already have an account on one of the above two SCC supercomputers or one of the bwFORClusters. If you just obtained a new account - please, immediately after the first login complete the required survey, otherwise your account may be blocked after two weeks. Please, plan several days (3 or 4) for obtaining an account (you should set up a VPN and a 2-way authentication before the course).

The course will take place virtually and participants will get per Email the link 1-2 days before the course. No course fees apply. The number of participants is restricted to 40.

Please login exclusively with your official University-account. Registrations with accounts from private emails (e.g. googlemail, yahoo etc.) are not welcome and will be removed.

hosted by KIT