Sep 19 – 21, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Sensitivities to feebly interacting particles: public and unified calculations

Sep 20, 2023, 5:30 PM
Nachrichtentechnik-Hörsaal (NTI) (KIT)

Nachrichtentechnik-Hörsaal (NTI)


Engesserstraße 5, 76131 Karlsruhe


Dr Maksym Ovchynnikov (KIT)


The idea that new physics could take the form of feebly interacting particles (FIPs) - particles with a mass below the electroweak scale, but which may have evaded detection due to their tiny couplings or very long lifetime - has gained a lot of traction in the last decade. Numerous experiments have been proposed to search for such particles. It is important, and now very timely, to consistently compare the potential of these experiments for exploring the parameter space of various well-motivated FIPs. In this talk, I will address this pressing issue by presenting an open-source tool to estimate the sensitivity of many experiments - located at Fermilab or at the CERN's SPS, LHC, and FCC-hh - to various models of FIPs in a unified way: the Mathematica-based code SensCalc.

Primary authors

Dr Maksym Ovchynnikov (KIT) Dr Jean-Loup Tastet ( UAM/CSIC) Dr Kyrylo Bondarenko (SISSA) Mr Oleksii Mikulenko (Leiden University)

Presentation materials