Sep 19 – 21, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

ALP wiggles in photon spectra

Sep 19, 2023, 5:50 PM
Nachrichtentechnik-Hörsaal (NTI) (KIT)

Nachrichtentechnik-Hörsaal (NTI)


Engesserstraße 5, 76131 Karlsruhe


Jonas Tjemsland (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


Axions and axion-like-particles (ALPs) are characterized by their two-photon coupling, which entails so-called photon-ALP oscillations as photons propagate through a magnetic field. These oscillations lead to distinctive signatures in the energy spectrum of high-energy photons from astrophysical sources, allowing one to probe the existence of ALPs. In particular, photon-ALP oscillations will induce energy dependent oscillatory features, or "ALP wiggles", in the photon spectra. We propose to use the discrete power spectrum to search for ALP wiggles and present a model-independent statistical test. By using PKS 2155-304 as an example, we show that the method has the potential to significantly improve the experimental sensitivities for ALP wiggles. Furthermore, we conduct a simple model-independent search for ALP wiggles in the Fermi sources 3C454.3 and CTA 102.

Primary authors

Jonas Tjemsland (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Prof. Michael Kachelriess (NTNU)

Presentation materials