Luca Doria
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
At the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Mainz the new electron accelerator MESA (Mainz Energy-recovery Superconducting Accelerator) will go into operation within the next years. MESA will provide intense electron beams for hadron and nuclear physics, as well as for light dark matter (LDM) searches. In this contribution, we will present the MAGIX and DarkMESA experiments at MESA. MAGIX, is a two-spectrometer setup coupled with a gas-jet target with a wide physics program, including LDM searches. DarkMESA is a beam-dump experiment focused on LDM searches. The status of the new facility and of the experiments will be described, together with results from prototype detectors and projected physics reach.
Primary author
Luca Doria
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)