10:00 AM
Coffee and Get-Together
10:30 AM
Welcome and Greetings
Ralph Engel
(Director of IAP, KIT)
Oliver Kraft
(Vice-President, KIT)
Marc Weber
(Head of Division 5, KIT)
Klaus Hesch
(Head of FUSION Programme, KIT)
Anke-Susanne Müller
(Director of IBPT, spokesperson of KCETA, KIT)
10:45 AM
30 Years of TLK
Beate Bornschein
(Head of TLK)
11:05 AM
Challenges in the Tritium Fuel Cycle for the DEMO Reactor
Thomas Giegerich
(EUROfusion DEMO Tritium-Fuelling-Vacuum Lead Engineer)
11:35 AM
Measurement of Neutrino Mass with Tritium Beta Decay - Where do we stand, where can we go?
Susanne Mertens
(KATRIN Co-Spokesperson, TUM)
12:05 PM
The Tritium Future
Magnus Schlösser
(Deputy head of TLK, KIT)