Jun 12 – 14, 2023
Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (KIT)
Europe/Berlin timezone



Jun 13, 2023, 10:30 AM
Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (KIT)

Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (KIT)

KIT Campus North, Building 348 Weingartener Str. 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Presentation materials

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Johannes Steinmann (KIT / IBPT)
6/13/23, 10:30 AM
Michele Caselle (KIT)
6/13/23, 10:30 AM
Bernd Steffen (DESY), Serge Bielawski
6/13/23, 10:30 AM
Marie Kristin Czwalinna (DESY)
6/13/23, 10:30 AM
Bernd Steffen (DESY), Serge Bielawski
6/13/23, 3:30 PM
Marie Kristin Czwalinna (DESY)
6/13/23, 3:30 PM
Building timetable...