KCETA 12th Workshop on Longitudinal Electron Bunch Diagnostics

Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (KIT)

Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (KIT)

KIT Campus North, Building 348 Weingartener Str. 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Gudrun Niehues (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Michele Caselle (KIT)

The workshop series focuses on joint developments of longitudinal diagnostics for ultra-short electron bunches in current and future accelerators.

After general updates on the different machines and systems on Monday morning, you will get the chance to present a poster (A0, portrait, posters for joint contributions are also welcome). During Speed Poster Sessions, you will get the opportunity to promote your poster in a 3 min. presentation.

As usual, the workshop is organized in working groups. Each participant has to contribute to a working group with the aim of exchanging ideas and planning of collaborations or joint measurements.
We are presently planning the following working groups/topics

1. Diagnostics in the Spectral Domain Including but not limited to THz/IR spectrometer-based diagnostics of short electron bunches (e.g., compression monitors), diagnostics based on arrays of THz detectors, etc. — Johannes Steinmann

2. Fast Electronics for Detectors and Data Acquisition — Michele Caselle

3. Diagnostics in the Time-Domain, including, but not limited to, laser-based Electro-Optic detection, time-resolved X-ray photon diagnostics, RF/THz transverse streaking, etc. — Serge Bielawski & Bernd Steffen.

4. Time-Resolved Diagnostics: state-of-the-art arrival time monitors with high resolution for low-charge/ultra-short bunches - Marie K. Czwalinna

Depending on the suggested abstracts, we might rearrange the workgroups. Please feel free to comment any suggestions.

  • Akira Mochihashi
  • Andreas Helmut Penirschke
  • Anke-Susanne Müller
  • Bernd Steffen
  • Bernhard Scheible
  • Carsten Mai
  • Christophe Szwaj
  • David Walsh
  • Erik Bründermann
  • Erik Mansten
  • Fahd Rushd Faridi
  • Felipe Donoso
  • Florian Bek
  • Gian Luca Orlandi
  • Gudrun Niehues
  • James Henderson
  • Jan Roever
  • Jiri Kral
  • Johannes Steinmann
  • Linus Bölte
  • Luca Scomparin
  • Marc Le Parquier
  • Marco Veronese
  • Marie Kristin Czwalinna
  • Marvin Noll
  • Matthias Nabinger
  • Max Kellermeier
  • Meghana Patil
  • Micha Reißig
  • Michael J. Nasse
  • Michele Caselle
  • Olena Manzhura
  • Quentin Demazeux
  • Sascha Preu
  • Sebastian Maier
  • Serge Bielawski
  • Stefan Funkner
  • vivek vijayan