October 23, 2023
University of Mannheim
Europe/Berlin timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The submission deadline was 25.9.2023, but has been extended for posters only to 17.10.2023.

Please submit a short abstract of your oral presentation (talk) or poster to be published in the agenda.
You will be notified by email upon submission and upon acceptance/rejection of your presentation.

Your oral presentation is intended for the entire audience; slides in English; talk preferably in English. The length of each talk slot (including ca. 5 min discussion) is 15 min due to high demand. The final schedule will be available late September.

Your poster should be in English; no particular template required. You should bring your printed poster to the conference, and additionally upload it here as a pdf for online publication before the conference.

The call for abstracts is closed.