October 23, 2023
University of Mannheim
Europe/Berlin timezone

Base4NFDI - Basic Services for NFDI

Oct 23, 2023, 3:00 PM
Aula (University of Mannheim)


University of Mannheim

Schloss Bismarckstr. 40 68161 Mannheim


The aim of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is the systematic development of valuable data from science and research in order to link the decentralised and mostly inaccessible data with each other and to make them usable in a sustainable and quality-assured manner. In order to ensure a broad coverage of scientific disciplines, a total of 26 consortia from the cultural sciences, social sciences, humanities and engineering, as well as the life and natural sciences, have been selected in a science-led procedure steered by the German Research Foundation (DFG) over the past 3 years.
Since many scientific fields have similar requirements for research data and parallel developments should be avoided as far as possible, all consortia are working together to support the Base4NFDI initiative. The goal is to develop, in cooperation with the community, basic services that enable sustainable research data management across disciplines. For this purpose a basic service is understood as a technical-organisational solution that usually includes storage and computing services, software, processes and workflows as well as the necessary personnel support for different service desks. The service should create added value for the consortia and their users, bundle existing services, be scalable, have a sustainable operating model, and be based on a standardised service model. Any idea for a basic service must originate from a community process within a section of the NFDI Association. If the proposal is successful, the development teams will receive support and guidance from the task areas of Base4NFDI in areas such as development, implementation and training. Once developed, the basic services will be made available to the scientific community. In this way, Base4NFDI actively contributes to the systematic opening and networking of the German science system.

Primary author

Franziska Fritzsche (Gesis - Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences)

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