Nov 16 – 17, 2023
CIEMAT Institute
Europe/Madrid timezone


Workshop Session 4 & Closure

Nov 17, 2023, 11:30 AM
Main Building 1 (CIEMAT Institute)

Main Building 1

CIEMAT Institute

CIEMAT - Mocloa Center. Avda. Complutense, 40. 28040 Madrid. Spain.


Workshop Session 4 & Closure: CONNECT-NM (new partnerships on nuclear materials), Qualification of materials for steam generators of SRM within LWR-SMR proposal

  • Lorenzo Malerba
  • Marta Serrano
  • Jarir Aktaa


CONNECT-NM (New Partnerships on Nuclear Materials)
New Proposal (EURATOM-2023 WP)
Workshop Closure, Marta Serrano
KIT Closure, Nicole Gärtner

Presentation materials

Marta Serrano (CIEMAT / INNUMAT)
11/17/23, 11:30 AM
Marta Serrano (CIEMAT / INNUMAT)
11/17/23, 12:15 PM
Marta Serrano (CIEMAT / INNUMAT)
11/17/23, 1:00 PM
Jarir Aktaa (KIT / INNUMAT )
11/17/23, 1:30 PM
Building timetable...