CORSIKA 8 Technical Call

    CORSIKA Zoom meeting room :
    Meeting-ID: 993 0768 4644
    PIN: 932335

So far, no issues were observed with the icrc-2023 tag.

Juan noticed that the bug with particles in the first bin of the longitudinal profile is caused by backscattering particles (cf. issue #616 and draft merge request !545). Tanguy comments that in CORSIKA 7 particles travelling upward are killed by default, since they will not reach the ground, which saves some computation time.

We briefly discussed the energy loss writer (cf. !544) and how it's done in CORSIKA 7; particles will deposit their kinetic energy and rest, while antiparticles will not only deposit their kinetic energy, but also annihilate, such as positrons producing photons which might e.g. produce new electrons via the photoelectric effect.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 5:00 PM 5:30 PM
      Miscellaneous 30m
      • first experience with the ICRC tag
      • does it work for everyone?
      • any issues?
      Speaker: Alexander Sandrock (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)