The Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC Computing Initiative had a workshop on 12-14 June 2023 in Bologna:
At the Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC (JENA) Seminar in May 2022 in Madrid (, both the plenary presentations and the closed session of funding agency representatives revealed that there is an increased need for discussions on the strategy and implementation of European federated computing at future large-scale research facilities. In particular, synergies between the three fields should be identified, as well as computing requirements in the next decade, where all three communities (particle physics, nuclear physics and astroparticle physics) as well as neighbouring research fields such as astrophysics or cosmology can benefit.
Main conclusion at the Bologna-Workshop was the creation of five working groups in order to coordinate a white paper as input fo rthe next JENA Symposium:
Software and Heterogeneous Architectures (Software)
Federate Data Management, Virtual Research Environments and FAIR/Open Data (Data)
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Training, Dissemination, Education (TDE)
Here registration for WP5 (you will be contacted for further actions):
Training, Dissemination, Education (TDE):
Training: Leverage the experience in the HEP Software Foundation (HSF) training initiative and find common ground with other sciences. Share/reuse material and possibly understand if some common training event can be organised.
Dissemination: we considered the idea to organise a conference on scientific computing similar to CHEP, but embracing more sciences (largely beyond ENA). In Europe there are five science clusters, ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC-Life, ESCAPE, PANOSC and SSHOC. They are working on common aspects of scientific computing and this would be a natural one.
Education: ECFA has an initiative to set a European master program for detector physics. We discussed the idea to initiate a similar initiative on scientific software and computing. The EuroHPC JU started a similar initiative in 2022 named EUMAster4HPC through a H2020 project.