Second Workshop on Physics and Applications of Magnetic Microcalorimeters

Physikalisches Institut Im Neuenheimer Feld 226 69120 Heidelberg Germany
Sebastian Kempf (Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems)

During the last LTD conference in Seoul, the idea was born to try organizing the „Second Workshop on the Physics and Applications of Magnetic Microcalorimeters“ in December this year.

Similar to last time, the workshop is not meant to present conference-like presentation but rather to discuss „the devil the in details“, common challenges, topics you thought about and may would like to get input, fabrication issues, ideas for new projects and experiments, tips and tricks etc. So, again the workshop should be a meeting among MMC friends that try pushing forward this technology as far as possible.

  • Monday, December 18
    • 1
    • 2
      Speakers: Christian Enss, Sebastian Kempf (Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems)
    • Applcations 1: Part 1
      • 3
        Multichannel spectrometry and activity determination with reusable MMCs
        Speaker: Alexander Göggelmann (PTB)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • Applcations 1: Part 2
      • 4
        Activity measurement of Am-241 within the EMPIR Project PrimA-LTD
        Speaker: Matias Rodrigues (LNHB, C.E.A. Saclay)
      • 5
        MMCs for IAEA safeguards
        Speaker: Geonbo Kim (LLNL)
      • 6
        EC measurements using MMCs
        Speaker: Martin Loidl (LNHB, C.E.A. Saclay)
    • 12:30 PM
    • Sensor physics and readout: Sensor physics
      • 7
        Magnetic 1/f-noise of dilute Au:Er and Ag:Er alloys measured with the noise-o-meter
    • 3:00 PM
    • Sensor physics and readout: Readout
      • 9
        ADC and linearity
      • 10
        Large-scale magnetic microcalorimeter: modeling and multiplexing
        Speaker: Wonsik Yoon (NASA GSFC)
      • 12
        General discussion about MMC readout and SQUID development
    • 13
      Discussion about Future MMC workshops / Regular ZOOM calls
      Speaker: Sebastian Kempf (Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems)
    • 7:00 PM
      Workshop Dinner
  • Tuesday, December 19
    • Application 2: Part 1
      • 14
        AMoRE project and sensors
        Speaker: Jina Jeon (IBS-CUP)
      • 15
        MMC application in astroparticle physics
        Speaker: Yong-Hamb Kim (IBS-CUP)
      • 16
        Low-background X-ray detectors setups for (Baby-)IAXO
        Speaker: Martin Loidl (LNHB, C.E.A. Saclay)
    • 10:30 AM
    • Application 2: Part 2
      • 17
        General discussion about MMC applications
      • 18
        Extend lunch and/or general discussions
    • 12:30 PM
    • Detector design and fabrication: Detector design
      • 19
        MOCCA - A 4k-pixel microcalorimeter detector for CSR
    • 3:00 PM
    • Detector design and fabrication: Fabrication
      • 21
        Center for High-resolution Superconducting Sensors
        Speaker: Mathias Wegner
      • 22
        Advances in Fabrication of Large-Scale Magnetic Microcalorimeter Arrays
        Speaker: Archana Devasia (NASA GSFC)
      • 23
        Superconducting vertical interconnects
        Speaker: Sebastian Kempf (Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems)
    • 25
      Speaker: Sebastian Kempf (Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems)