9:00 AM
Optical system for the RS e-gun
Lutz Schimpf
9:15 AM
Setup and comissioning of the rear section e-gun
Rudolf Sack
(Westfaehlische Wilhelms Universitaet)
9:30 AM
WGTS: Cooling in the 5 m long capillary pipe
Magnus Schlösser
(Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe - Institute of Technical Physics)
9:45 AM
Motion control for a detector system in safety critical applications in physics experiments
Armen Beglarian
10:00 AM
Repair and calibration of the K65 HV divider
Oliver Rest
(Uni Münster)
10:15 AM
Screening of UV-PIN-Diodes to be used as Electron Detectors
Sven Triebskorn
10:30 AM
Work function measurement of Rear Wall gold pads
Fabian Friedel