Sep 25 – 26, 2024
University of Freiburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Store and Share Data with SFTPGo

Sep 26, 2024, 10:15 AM
KG1 (Aula)



Lightning Talk (short presentation on 2nd day, max. 5 minutes, max. 2 slides) Contribution presents methods and workflows related to computation or data management Lightning Talks


Markus Miller (Uni Freiburg (Rechenzentrum))


There is a huge demand for research data management including the sharing of (large scale) data with colleagues and partners outside the own institution. Although there are established services in RDM for various purposes (GitLab, InvenioRDM, baselevel NFS/SMB, object storage, Nextcloud), there has been one missing component, namely (large scale, public) file exchange (with self administered user/access management).

An answer to this is SFTPGo in conjuction with the S3 object store. The S3 object store enables you to store large amounts of data efficiently, securely and at a reasonable price. However, an object store does not behave like a traditional file storage. Therefore, many users are overwhelmed when having to interact with such a storage system. This is where SFTPGo comes into play. SFTPGo enables the user to access an S3 object store using familiar access protocols, making the object store almost look like a traditional file system.

Primary author

Markus Miller (Uni Freiburg (Rechenzentrum))

Presentation materials

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