Opening day
Submission deadline
If you would like to present a poster, please submit a title and a short summary via "Submit contribution".
Talk (closed)
Accepted Talks: Please submit a title and a short abstract (if not already submitted).
Proceedings (closed)
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The proceedings of the bwHPC symposium 2018 will be published online via the library of the University of Tübingen. The contributions will be peer reviewed. A minimum length of 1000 words (about 4 pages in LaTeX template) is required for a contribution to be eligible for inclusion. Contributions to proceedings are limited to 20 pages (using the LaTeX template) or 6000 words respectively. Preprint versions of the proceedings are planned to be available at the time the bwHPC symposium takes place.
Proceedings contributions should use the following LaTeX template or the following overleaf link for online editing.
Important dates for proceedings contributions:
- 17.06.2018: Submission deadline for paper (4-20 pages)
- 31.07.2018: Reviews are complete (author notification)
- 31.08.2018: Submission of author revised version (in case of acceptance)
- 31.10.2018: Availability of preprint version