Unraveling the Lepton Number Violation in the EFT and Beyond (17'+3')


Lukas Graf (Nikhef)


The new particle physics underlying any potential lepton-number-violating signal can be parametrized within the framework of effective field theory in terms of a set of higher-dimensional operators triggering a variety of distinct mechanisms for neutrinoless double beta decay (0vbb). While it appears to be challenging to unravel the dominant source of lepton number violation from the observation of this rare nuclear process itself, the (non-)conservation of lepton number can be also tested in a variety of other experiments. After going over the complementary probes of lepton number violation and their interplay with 0vbb within the framework of Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), I will also discuss the possible UV realizations and the limits imposed on these scenarios.

Primary author

Lukas Graf (Nikhef)

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