Auger Offline Workshop

Bldg 425, Rm 206 (KIT Campus North)

Bldg 425, Rm 206

KIT Campus North

KIT, Hermann-von-Helmoltz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Darko Veberic (IKP KIT), David Schmidt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Markus Roth (KIT, Germany)




Hands-on coding workshop dedicated to the Auger upgrade


"It's a start!"

The workshop is aimed primarily at users who already have some experience and who can start contributing to the Offline code-base in a more substantial way.

This workshop is not meant as an Offline school, such as the one held in Karlsruhe in 2016, where students learned how to start using Offline (see the Oracle for more information).

During this initial meeting, we will decide on our priorities regarding the parts of Offline that most urgently need updates in order to:

  1. accommodate the new data, which is already being gathered by the engineering array.
  2. start the first simulation productions including upgrade hardware (that is, the Surface Scintillator Detector, small PMT, and UUB).


Most of the workshop will be held at the KIT's northern campus (Campus Nord), which is located here near the town of Eggenstein to the north of Karlsruhe. In case you are staying in Karlsruhe, there is a shuttle provided by KIT that runs between the southern campus (Campus Süd) and Campus Nord. It leaves Campus Süd from in front of this building and runs every 30-60 minutes. You can download the timetable here. The DB Navigator App contains also connections by the bus public transport KVV.

Since 3 October 2018 (Wednesday) is a public holiday, we will either organize a workshop trip or move the workshop to Campus Süd for the day, depending on your interests.

More information about Karlsruhe and the region can be found in Stadtwiki.


Accommodation is not organized. If you'd like to stay close to Campus Nord, you could seek accommodation  in the nearby towns of Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Linkenheim, or Blankenloch-Stutensee. Connections to Campus Nord by S-Bahn and bus are available. If you intend to stay in Karlsruhe, the KIT Shuttle is a viable option for arriving at Campus Nord in addition to S-Bahn and bus connections. In the attached materials, please see the list of hotels that offer some discounts if you say you are visiting KIT (but note that they are quite expensive and you might find better offers online).

Workshop dinner

The workshop dinner will take place on Thursday evening. The exact location will be determined as soon as number of participants is known.

  • Alessio Gorgi
  • Bradley Manning
  • Bruce Dawson
  • Darko Veberic
  • David Schmidt
  • Eric Mayotte
  • Fabio Bertucco
  • Felix Schlüter
  • Francesco Fenu
  • Francesco Salamida
  • Jiri Blazek
  • Joachim Debatin
  • Julian Rautenberg
  • Lukas Nellen
  • Martin Schimassek
  • Massimo Mastrodicasa
  • Max Stadelmaier
  • Michael Unger
  • Michal Wiedenski
  • Pierpaolo Savina
  • Ralf Ulrich
  • Sonja Schröder
  • Steffen Hahn
  • Tim Huege
  • Vladimir Lenok