IPE Publication Portal


The publication portal should support scientific communication in IPE. 

Publications are essential for IPE as research institute and for every scientist in his academic career. IPE aims to ensure a high quality of its research projects and publications. One essential aspect here is to early on discuss results in the institute. A good platform might be individual discussions, presentations in the IPE seminar and the publication portal. 

The publication portal implements a two stage approach. 

  1. Planned contributions to conferences, proceedings or journals are announced in the publication portal. Use the option submit abstract. Required information is a working title, the list of authors, name of conference or journal,  type of the contribution, an abstract or description of the content.

    After confirmation by the IL the contributions are visible at the Publication Portal. Comments from all scientists in IPE to the planned publications are welcome.
  2. For our contributions a internal review process can be organized in the publication portal as soon as the a draft of the paper, poster or talk is available. In order to start the review use the option submit paper.

To get informed on new contributions in the portal register for the mailing list ipe-publications@lists.kit.edu


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