12. July 2024 Regular Meeting
Participants (alphabetic order)
A. Mochihashi, M. Boege, R. Geometrante, R. Ruprecht
- Discussion: Workshop ideas
- M. briefly reported on the list of possible sessions for a workshop on accelerator stability and mentioned that the workshop could be a large one because of the large number of possible session topics.
- M. B. suggested that the workshop should focus on a few relevant topics to make the workshop plan much more realistic and available. One idea is to focus the workshop on topics related to transverse stability or source stability for synchrotron light sources.
- R. G. mentioned that the workshop can be a good opportunity to discuss machine stability in a broad way, even if the workshop focuses on a few topics. For example, the topics of transverse stability include beam dynamics and hardware issues, namely resistive/permanent magnets and power supplies. It can be a good opportunity to exchange the latest information between academia and industry.
- M. mentioned an option to have a session block on vacuum and beam stability in the stability workshop, even though the workshop is focused on transverse stability. This is just an option to be considered.
- M. B. and R. G. suggested that the workshop should include presentations from other scientific and industrial areas to broaden our horizons. For example, astrophysics should have methods and techniques that could be potential breakthroughs for accelerator physics, but these are not necessarily known to us. Inviting people from such fields to the workshop is a promising option.
- M. mentioned the idea of a joint experiment to accompany the workshop. The topics of the experiments will be discussed later, and ideally they should also be related to beam stability issues.
- R. R. suggested a suitable date for the workshop. Taking into account social events and internal plans (at least in KIT), the workshop date and period could be a whole week at the beginning of April 2025. The date may be shifted due to other constraints, such as events related to the I.FAST project. However, the idea of this date and period seems promising at the moment. A. M. will contact the IFAST secretary to ask about the date of the workshop as it is a bit close to the end of the project period.
- R. G. mentioned that it is better to organise a workshop where the participants and the organisers can orientate the next step and the direction where we should go in the future in the framework of the Ultra Low Emitting Rings, because the workshop date will be close to the end of the IFAST project and it seems a good opportunity to reach a summary of our activities.
- Organisation of the meeting
- There was a problem linking the Zoom meeting with the information on the Indico website. A. M. will try to solve the problem by changing the Indico style and distributing the Zoom link information by email as a backup plan.
* The workshop planning now continues. The ideas and plans will be opened and discussed at the meeting and updated on the official KIT cloud server. The link will be announced later and the participants can check and edit the documentation freely. The aim is to keep the organisation running smoothly by keeping in touch with each other and sharing ideas and information.