Registration is open - register here until 22.01.2025!
This workshop will provide hands-on training on methods, code, and data to showcase the preparation and usage of opportunistic rainfall sensor (OS) data from CML, PWS, and SML in real-world applications. Our main target groups are young researchers (PhD students, Postdocs) and professional in the field of hydrology, hydrometeorology or from related fields who work with rainfall data.
Preliminary Agenda
We will have several experienced trainers on site for the hands-on sessions and additional experts for the lectures on these topics. The following people are contributing to the training school:
- Coordination: Dr. Maximilian Graf (DWD), Dr. Laura Varga (BME), Dr. Jonas Olsson (SMHI), Dr. Remco van de Beek (SMHI), Dr. Vojtech Bares (CTU)
- Local organization committee: Dr. Mark Honti (BME), Dr. Knolmár Marcell (BME), Dr. Laura Varga (BME), Petra Koudelova (CTU)
- Intro to working with OS data: Dr. Maximilian Graf (DWD)
- Merging of OS to Rainfall: Dr. Christian Chwala (KIT), Erlend Øydvin (NMBU)
- Application 1: OS-based nowcasting with pysteps: Dr. Ruben Imhoff (Deltares)
- Application 2: Hydrolocial modelling with OS data: Dr. Martin Fencl (CTU Prague) and Dr. Jochen Seidel (University of Stuttgart)