HgCal ETP weekly meeting

401/224 (Campus North)


Campus North


New members:

  • Yi-Mu: he can join in developing the full glue procedure.
  • Dowling: he will work on quality control system. He suggests to try a different approach, trying to use cameras in a 'stereo' way. 
  • Obedience: he will help with the glueing.


Quality of material:

  • The copper-tungsten provider says that the copper spots are produced by superficial impurities
  • We have asked our workshop to cut through one of the spots to verify it
  • We can also check if we have spots on the edge of one plate


For the next orders of Titanium and kapton:

  • Kapton: we need to check which parts (design, material, etc.) have no defined tolerances. We need to ensure that every relevant piece of information is in the technical documentation. E.g., do we have nominal size and tolerance for the bonding pad? Need to ask Maria and compare with the current design.
  • Titanium: we want to ensure that the eventual activation of titanium does not produce noise in the detector. Irradiation cannot reproduce the actual environment inside the calorimeter: we asked the radiation protection group to simulate the irradiation. They will also look at copper-tunsgten.


Presentation during the next MAC meeting tomorrow:

  • Current status: we have about 30 laminated plates
  • We need to put glue tape on top of them. We are waiting for the tape to arrive: when do we expect it to be here? Current estimation: we will have the tape in two weeks, then we will need one more week to put it on the laminated plates. This means, we can send the plates out by Nov 8. Cross-check the date with Bernd.
  • We need to validate the full glue procedure or go with the hybrid method, that wil luse a different glue tape and epoxy pattern.
  • Current full glueing procedure status is that we need to come up with a procedure able to:
    • Reduce the bubbles
    • Ensure we can measure the glue thickness
    • Have control on the flatness
    • On top of that, we have to study whether we need to treat the surfaces or not.
  • Delievery of 5 HD bottom plates to NTU:
    • Need to cut the CuW plates. In total, we will have to deliever 14 for this round: we can ask the workshop to cut all of them.
    • We ordered 30 pieces of transfer tape for that


To be followed up:

  • We need to measure all the baseplate from the last batch and see if some of them are small enough to be used. Then, we have to make sure Jonas cut the next batch smaller, even if this means having some of them in orange grade.
  • Titanium plates: do we have the size and tolerances of mouse bites?
  • Electronica event: doing R&D with the company may exclude it from the tender process. Probably better not to go.




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