HgCal ETP weekly meeting

401/224 (Campus North)


Campus North


Attendees: Maria, Raquel, Markus, Jay, Yi-Mu, Dowling, Nicolò, Xunwu

- Delivery status: 
  + CuW: shipped almost all plates for the Nov 4th delivery. Remaining 6 CuW plates for IHEP ready.
  + Ti: it will be cut next week
- Baseplate cutting: 
  + Workshop says stress in the metal may cause CuW to deform and get out of tolerance --> told them not to worry, just go ahead
  + We can tell Jonas there is no need to polish CuW plates
- Ti plates should be sent us by Madras. Once (if) they arrive, we need to measure them and confirm the measurements from them. Will they be able to deliver Ti plates on March? We would need to readjust if not.
- Baseplate weight: we measured a few of them to be lighter. It is important to measure the weight to know the material is uniform. Better if we have a USB-compatible scale.
- Full glue: did we qualify it? No, but we will have to. For now, we can send out what we have produced already.
- Partial for radiation test: ready, we have to collect them at the workshop.
- Titanium plates: we could request 20 by Monday, or maybe use the milling machine to reduce the size of the ones we have.
- We need more wooden boxes for shipping, and make sure we will get them back.
- QC:
  + With one camera, all BP can be in the picture --> sigma = 200 micron
  + With three cameras --> sigma = 200-400 micron
  + We have to be more systematic in estimating the sigma: measure many times the same BP and get the gaussian spread.
  + Need to precisely measure (with a machine) one BP.
- DB:
  + Need to track the material batch and provider.
  + We need to understand or ask where to find all the tolerances, and understand which of them are most important (e.g., noches position). We should ask Susanne.
  + Same for the kapton tolerances. We need to collect them and put them into a technical document, together with all the other ones.
  + Yi-Mu kindly agrees on being the new databse expert, together with Jay.
- Glue dispenser: currently, we use an 'approximate' gluing program, meaning we do not control precisely how much glue we put on the baseplate. We are working on having something more precise. This will be useful also for full glue, instead of using the roll to spread the glue.
- EPR: do we want to pledge them? How many? We cannot pledge on MAC, have to understand where to do it. Markus already discussed with Karl.
- We need to prepare documents for procurements at CERN.
  + CuW: we have the material for pre-prodcution (~5% of total). Make an estimate with Adriana (?) about how much we will need in total.
  + Kapton: have to write it from scratch.
  + Titanium: it will be (in principle) provided by Madras.

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