Attendees: Dowling, Yi-Mu, Tobias, Xunwu, Nicolo, Markus, Maria, Raquel
- DCS:
- There is now an office for HGCAL DCS.
- ABle to communicate with the PLC
- From Markus: possibility to have bachelor summer students working on some projects?
- QC:
- can detect the sides of the exagon, but they may be not parallel: distance between center and each side --> maybe not optimal approach
- uncertainty around 100-200 micron
- No significant distortion observed from the camera
- Need more than the current 10 measurements to have an estimate of the standard deviation
- Need more details on the setup
- We can consider buying a keyence machine for QC
- Pre-production schedule:
- There is now a IHEP official schedule
- No news from Madras about the titanium deliver
- Our copper and kapton procurements can be done via CERN --> Need to prepare the documents with all the needed tolerances
- We need more wooden boxes: need to ask Andreas Tiel
- We can have a new jig for the baseplate
- We can use the 'glue tape' jig for kapton and check if the bend plate is not collapsing
- Full glue: we can prepare the 8 partials with the current method as it is.
- Database:
- Raquel: a working verison of the database should be ready by next week
- How to put the old (from 2023) baseplates into the database?
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