Attendees: Nicolò, Markus, Yi-Mu, Raquel, Dowling
MAC meeeting:
- Design change for one Ti partial: new design expected by 25/01.
- Also full Ti baseplate design may change.
- We ordered 5 m2 of Ti. 5 to 6 weeks to arrive. Then, we can start cutting according to the new design(s)
- There may also be a change in the kapton design. At least, there will be a review.
- IHEP: 3 out of 14 plates we delivered in November did not pass ole dimension checks (too small).
- Is their computer vision correctly calibrated?
- Is the residual glue in the holes create the problem? They can clean the holes and recheck.
- In any case, for the latest - full glue - shipments, we are cleaning the holes thoroughly
- TTU: Holes are too large. This is in contrast with IHEP :)
- NTU: They don't know why we send 3 full glue plates for epoxy-only test. We did well, but UCSB management did not inform them.
Future deliveries:
- We will not produce more Ti until the new baseplate designs are fixed.
- CuW: we are running out of top transfer tape.
- NTU wants 5 HD bottom. We have the material, need to prepare the workflow for the jig for the partial shape.
- We need to have an inventory summarizing what we have in terms of baseplates, kapton, and glue tape. Keep in mind that in the future, the kapton will have the glue tape already on top of it.
Laminated baseplates recovery:
- Some plates did not pass inspection after lamination: attempt to recover them by putting them inside isopropanol works fine.
End of year clean up this afternoon.
New machine to measure baseplates has been delivered:
- Keyence engineer will set everything up in January.
- The IM-8030T machine is sitting in the second floor here at CN.
How do we setup mass production?
- One shelf would help, current limitation is the space where we can leave the laminated plates to cure.
- Ask the carpenter for the shelf and possibly new boxes.
- Need to understand how many baseplates per boxes we can ship to tune the numbers.
- Converging on a working version.
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