Oct 28 – 31, 2014
Waldhotel Zollernblick
Europe/Berlin timezone

Strong couplings from Light-cone sum rules

Oct 30, 2014, 11:50 AM
Waldhotel Zollernblick

Waldhotel Zollernblick

Am Zollernblick 1 72250 Freudenstadt - Lauterbad http://www.zollernblick-lauterbad.de/


Mr Patrick Gelhausen (University of Siegen)


QCD Light-cone sum rules (LCSR) proved to be a reliable QCD based tool for the determination of form factors of heavy-to-light transitions like $B(D) \to \pi$. We revisit the LCSR for $B^*B\pi$ and $D^*D\pi$ strong couplings accessible via the same correlation function, employing the double dispersion relations. These sum rules are considerably improved by additional radiative corrections , updates of higher twist contributions and input parameters. We also probed various versions of double dispersion relations. The LCSRs were extended to strong couplings of heavy-light mesons containing a strange quark.

Primary author

Mr Patrick Gelhausen (University of Siegen)

Presentation materials