IPE Seminar

Radiation background studies using the plastic scintillator CLAWS at the KARA booster synchrotron

by Yannick Vollmer

KARA seminar room (Building 348)

KARA seminar room

Building 348


Yannick Vollmer will present the results his Bachelor thesis he did at IPE.

In this seminar, a radiation background study at the KARA booster using plastic scintillator sensors read out with silicon photomultipliers will be presented. This technique allows nanosecond-level time resolution in the monitoring of beam losses. A first analysis of the measurement results shows particle rates at three different positions near the injection line of the booster. Coincidences in two sensors stacked on top of each other indicate the presence of charged particles in the beam background. Furthermore, we will give an outlook to potential follow-up studies with these scintillator-based sensor, and the possibility of using the booster bunker as a particle detector test facility.

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