Jun 17 – 20, 2019
Hotel ACHAT PLAZA Karlsruhe
Europe/Berlin timezone


Status and progress of air shower simulations

Jun 17, 2019, 11:10 AM
Hotel ACHAT PLAZA Karlsruhe

Hotel ACHAT PLAZA Karlsruhe

Mendelssohnplatz, 76131 Karlsruhe https://achat-hotels.com/hotel/karlsruhe-city


The current state-of-the-art in air shower simulations, with a focus on the status and progress of CORSIKA 8.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ralph Engel
6/17/19, 11:10 AM
Ralf Ulrich (KIT)
6/17/19, 11:25 AM
Maximilian Reininghaus (KIT / IKP)
6/17/19, 11:45 AM
Takashi Sako (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
6/17/19, 3:30 PM
Luisa Arrabito
6/19/19, 2:30 PM
Konrad Bernlöhr
6/19/19, 2:50 PM
Maximilian Reininghaus (KIT / IKP)
6/20/19, 9:40 AM
Building timetable...