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DFNconf video system: Room Name: CORSIKA, Number: 97958319 With your browser under Windows, MacOS, Linux:
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- trip to KIT was ideal to get all information to proceed with PROPOSAL integration
- work right now focused on PROPOSAL-related updates to get ready
- Consider detailed work during the upcoming CORSIKA week
- presentation on logging system, see slides
- Logging is not debugging
- slide 6 shows how it can still help for debugging
- Question: memory chacheing: speed and e.g. ordering in time
- Licenses
- boost can be used if it provides the solution
- is a "server" useful? Or are line-fed files sufficient? In any case, SINKS will handle this
- there is a connection to exception handling
- history of the shower is very important, need snapshots for later "debugging", this is in particular multi-threading
Extended discussion on those topics with Hans, Anatoli and Lukas.