Opening day
Submission deadline
Please consult the scientific program for an overview of possible topics and categories (which are called "tracks" in the abstract submission form).
In the abstract submission form you can choose between these "tracks". You can also choose the type of your submission: oral, poster, live demo or discussion topic.
Choose "discussion topic" if you want to suggest a specific topic that shall be discussed on Day2 or Day3. It is assumed that you will initiate or moderate such a discussion. Depending on the content and number of suggestions, duration of such discussion slots might vary between 10 to 60 minutes.
Please note that you have to create an account for the abstract submission.
Choose "live demo" if you want to showcase your code, data or application live on Day2 or Day3 in a separate time slot. You can of course also integrate a short live demo in your "oral" presentation on Day1. Depending on the content and number of suggestions, duration of dedicated "live demo" slots might vary between 10 to 60 minutes.
Abstracts should be short and straight to the point. Hence, they do not require the typical introductory sentences about the motivation behind the actual work. 100 words can already be enough. But longer is of course possible.