Jun 25 – 28, 2019
KIT Campus Alpin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Applying CML rainfall estimation at regional and urban scale in Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

Jun 25, 2019, 2:50 PM
large seminar room (KIT Campus Alpin)

large seminar room

KIT Campus Alpin

Kreuzeckbahnstraße 19 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Poster Specific HyMet CML research topics (presentations on Day2, posters on Day1) Posters with coffee and cake


Thomas van Leth (Wageningen University & research)


We present the results of three pilot studies for high-resolution rainfall monitoring using CML networks over Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in collaboration with local gsm operators. We focus in particular on several densely populated urban areas with high link network density. We also discuss some of the challenges and opportunities regarding continental-scale rainfall monitoring using microwave links from cellular communication networks. We show comparisons with satellite products and rain gauges.

Primary authors

Thomas van Leth (Wageningen University & research) Aart Overeem (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) Mr Daniele Tricarico (GSM Association) Ms Jenny Prosser (GSM Association) Dr Hidde Leijnse (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) Prof. Remko Uijlenhoet (Wageningen University & Research)

Presentation materials

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