Remco van de Beek
6/27/19, 10:35 AM
Community topics (Day3)
Discussion topic
High-resolution signal strength data from commercial microwave links is not readily available to the research community. This may hinder breakthroughs in processing or applications. Moreover, access restrictions limit the need of a common reference and benchmark when e.g. comparing methodologies. To encourage broader scientific study and enable community benchmarking, we will therefore openly...
6/27/19, 3:20 PM
Community topics (Day3)
Discussion topic
As already known, our joint proposal (OPENSENSE) submitted to COST Action was denied at the beginning of June 2019. The community should discussed future steps about this proposal during the meeting, since the next call is open until September 5th 2019. The decission about resubmission should be made in GaPa.