Sep 12 – 13, 2019
New University (Neue Universität)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Controllability and energy-optimal control of time-variant fractional systems

Sep 12, 2019, 4:40 PM
HS 03 (New University (Neue Universität))

HS 03

New University (Neue Universität)

Universitätsplatz 1, 69117 Heidelberg


Dr Kaori Nagatou (Karlsruhe)


Time-variant fractional models are used to describe many applications, e.g. lithium-ion batteries. For such models, neither a controllability criterion for state space equations nor the energy-optimal control function are available so far. To overcome this limitation, in this talk a reachability and controllability definition for time-variant fractional state space systems is formulated and the analytical solution of the energy-optimal control problem is presented.

Primary author

Dr Kaori Nagatou (Karlsruhe)

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