3:35 PM
A simulation study of the effects of diffractive collisions on observables of air showers experiments
Ken Ohashi
(Nagoya University)
3:50 PM
Opportunities for BSM physics in Cosmic Rays
Oliver Fischer
(Institut für Kernphysik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
4:05 PM
Sub-TeV hadronic interaction model differences and their impact on air-shower development
Álvaro Pastor Gutiérrez
4:25 PM
Input from LHCb towards understanding air showers
Hans Dembinski
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
4:40 PM
Modifying interactions in CORSIKA with MOCHI
Jan Ebr
(Institute of Physics, Prague)
4:55 PM
Combined discussion, Q&A
Tanguy Pierog