IPE Seminar

Optimizing three-dimensional fluorescent particle tracking using the latest GPU architectures

by Alexander Lewkowicz

Seminar room, R 114 (IPE, Bld 242)

Seminar room, R 114

IPE, Bld 242

High speed tracking of fluorescent nanoparticles enables researches to study the drying process of fluids. A better understanding of this drying process will help develop new techniques to obtain smoother surfaces. Images are recorded via sCMOS cameras to observe the particle flow. The challenge is to find particles 3rd coordinate from a 2D image. Depending on the distance to the objective lens of the microscope, rings of different radii appear in the images. By detecting the rings radii and coordinates, both velocity and 3D trajectories can be established for each particle. To achieve almost real-time particle tracking, highly parallel systems, such as GPUs, are used.

In this talk, we illustrate the different steps used to detect the rings and how the usage of GPUs greatly increases the speed of ring detection.

Alexander Lewkowicz studies computer science at the L'école de l'intelligence informatique EPITA in Paris (http://www.epita.fr). He presents results from his internship in IPE.